I’m beyond excited about the brand new LIVE; YEAR WITH JESUS small group curriculum! Two big reasons:
* Because most “junior high” ministries are now actually middle school focused, there has been a need for a third year of material for this age group. While this study can be used for any age group, it was written by some of the sharpest junior high minds in the country…so it has a little bit of a junior high flavor.
* Because “More Jesus!” has been a drum I’ve been beating in our own ministry for a couple years. In fact, our junior high ministry now dedicates our small group teaching ENTIRELY around Jesus Christ. So I’m thrilled that LIVE is ready for us to implement.
Here is what your students will discover together about Jesus over the course of the year:
Oh…and do you also work with pre-teens? Check out the new PRE-TEEN LIVE curriculum right here.